Sunday, 7 November 2010


Sorry to any reader who is bored of me talking about TW, but there will be some unrealated 'Wanted' posts soon....

'TW Fan Friday' the 5th of 'NathanNovemeber'

'The Wanted's' book release.'

So they say.....

I go to one of the BIGGEST shopping centres in England. Also considered in the whole of Europe too. It goes by the name 'Bluewater' ? Yes, most of you will know it. And they dont have The book in ANY stores on its 'Release Date'.Including Waterstones and WHsmiths. GUTTED. Especially when loads of fans are expecting it on the release date. Which didnt really exist...not for me anyway.

I wanted to take the day off school so I could que at Waterstones, Picadilly, London. My Mum wouldnt let me. Signing was at 5pm so there was no way of me making it after school, considering you had to be the first 400. Bit of an awkward day to choose for a signing....

I eventually got the book the day after. I had to pay a HUGE postage to get it delivered on time. So, over the weekend I read....

The Verdict

The book was quite short in its-self, but It got accross its purpose. I like the way they have sections for each band-member, its amazing to read their differences and similarities. I love the exclusive pictures aswell. I have definately learnt more about the band.

Thing is. Sorry to be critical but...Obviously someone is going to edit their own stories but the writing style wasnt personal to each of the members. It was the same the whole way through so it didnt really sound like it was totally from them. It was a great read though! It makes you realise that celebrities are still 'Normal' everyday people, which is what we forget sometimes.


Dont always believe whats written on paper.  Trust me.
